Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ-3) Scoring & Referral DVD

Authors: Elizabeth Twombly M.S., Jane Squires Ph.D.; Producer: Arden Munkres M.F.A.

Format: DVD, 5.3 x 7.5
ISBN: 9781598570250
Price: $49.95

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ASQ-3 at-a-glance


Ages & Stages Questionnaires: A Parent-Completed Child Monitoring System, Third Edition

Scoring ASQ®-3 and interpreting the results is easier with this updated training DVD, which shows professionals how to use the #1 screening system accurately and sensitively. Viewers first get a brief overview of the ASQ-3 questionnaires and the screening process. Then they'll watch a home visitor guiding a mother as she fills out a questionnaire for an infant and tries the ASQ-3 tasks with her child. Through footage of specific tasks and close-ups of sample questions and scores, ASQ-3 users will discover how to

  • use the revised third edition scoring sheets.
  • convert parent responses into point values.
  • compare the results with the cutoff scores.
  • use the ASQ-3 monitoring zone to determine if a child's progress should be monitored in one or more areas.
  • interpret parent responses on the Overall section of ASQ-3.
  • decide if a referral for further assessment is needed.

Ideal for early interventionists, home visitors, pediatricians, teachers, and other early childhood practitioners, this DVD is a critical professional development tool no ASQ-3 user should be without.

The Scoring and Referral DVD is part of ASQ-3, the bestselling screener trusted for more than 20 years to pinpoint delays as early as possible during the crucial first 5 years of life. ASQ-3 questionnaires are reliable and valid, parent-completed, cost effective, recommended by top organizations, and easy to administer and score. The 21 age-appropriate questionnaires effectively screen five key developmental areas: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social.

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